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Students will now receive cumulative grades based on the grading scale below. This is quite different than in the primary grades (K-3). They will have some good grades and a few not-so-great grades at times. That is ok! This will provide room for growth and learning. Students will be given multiple assignments that will make up each subject's grades. Therefore, one bad grade will not affect their average too much. All assignments and tests are weighted the same as well. All graded work will be returned on Monday, and they have until Wednesday of that week to revise any grades <79% Fridays will be classroom assessment days. This will be a learning opportunity for students to become more organized, independent, task managers, and grow in their work ethic.


Grades will be updated in Parent Vue each week for you to check over with your child. If you do not have access to ParentVue, please contact Debra Hebert for login information: . If you have any questions or concerns about grades, please reach out to me.


Grading Scale:


A- 90-100%

B- 80-89%


D- 70-73%

F- 69 & Below

Home Practice

Practice at home is very important in reinforcing necessary skills and concepts in order to succeed in 4th grade.

Typical at home practice includes:


•Math facts: students must memorize multiplication facts 1-12 and have fast fluency. They should practice daily by reciting each times table aloud, writing them down several times, flashcards, or using any of the multiplication links and apps via Clever. This will be important since we will have daily timed multiplication assessments and they need this in order to learn how to divide and convert measurements.


•Reading: Students must read for at least 20 minutes each night and log reading in Beanstack via Clever.


•Writing: Students must complete spelling practice and written activities to help them prepare for weekly spelling tests. The grade for spelling assessments is final and cannot be revised. 


•Studying for assessments: Students will be expected to study for upcoming assessments using their notes as guides. Students may not revise assessments and the grade is final. Homework is not graded, but this daily practice will help your child succeed in the classroom as we build up on concepts.


Students will be given several resources via Clever to use for practice at home as well. You can find all the apps available by logging in to Clever with your student Microsoft account login (student email and 6-digit date of birth).

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Mrs. Head's

4th Grade Champs

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